Coming Soon Donating
Mission Statement
The purpose of Djs 4 All Cancers is to make people aware of the different types of cancers there are. From Lung cancer to Colon cancer, the quality of focusing on making sure one understands the importance of health is very critical not only in women and children but in Men.
The purpose in creating this Non-Profit (but accepting donations) is based off of Dj Nothin Nice recent (3 years cancer dormant Sarcoidosis) discovery and treatment. The passion that Dj Nothin Nice has for this Djs 4 All Cancers is very real and personal. For more information be sure to leave a comment below or feel free to share your personal experience.
Hypersensitivity reaction type IV disease characterized by the growth of collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) in multiple organs
Any organizations that would like to donate or find out more information email nothinnicelive@gmail.com
We will be taking donations as well as giving those in need help soon with full applications for funding towards health care as well and funding for payment with medicine and treatment. #Worldwide Focus
Thank You,
Dj Nothin Nice
CEO of Djs 4 All Cancers